How to Train dogs

Dogs training Human beings are the highest creatures on earth. God has succeeded them in order to build them, and he has mocked him all that they have to serve animals , animals , mountains, plants and other things that help him to continue, and animals are the most important of these things being a … Read more

15 Interesting Facts about Cats

Cats are animals that need special attention and attention, they love a lot of people caressing, and the more a person’s interest in the cat the higher the level of activity, and they are very sensitive. She should always be interested in the food aspect, as she always wants diversity in food, although she prefers … Read more

How to Train Cats

Training cats Cats are one of the most close to humans, they can deal with humans and interact with them, especially those who constantly caressing them, and they have mastered the art of self-reliance greatly, and cats are carnivores , which belong to the family of felines, like Tigers, lions, leopards and others. Cats are … Read more

All types of cats and their names

Cats Cats have been a favorite pet of people, although they belong to the list of predators since ancient times, because they have strong toothed teeth, stomach strength and the ability to digest meat, and also can see during the night, and is a strong and advanced hearing and smell. Cats love the warm atmosphere. … Read more

List of Dog Breeds – Types Of Dogs

Dogs are a species of pets, which belong to mammals, and have befriended man for a long time, as they are gentle and loyal, but sometimes pose a threat to humans, especially those ferocious types of them, and dogs are divided into a large number of breeds, according to different Some of the most famous … Read more

6 Main uses of dogs

There are many different uses for dogs, such as: Hunting: Hunting is one of the purposes for which many dogs breed, and the role of dogs in the process of hunting is different, some of which are limited to tracking the location of prey, thanks to his strong sense of smell, and others is the … Read more

Dogs Man’s Best Friend

Man’s Best Friend Do you own a dog? If not, you probably know someone who does. Dogs are loving, loyal, and intelligent animals. What more could you ask for in a pet? Dogs were the first animals trained and tamed by humans and they remain some of our favorites. Whether they are family-loving pets or … Read more