Cats are animals that need special attention and attention, they love a lot of people caressing, and the more a person’s interest in the cat the higher the level of activity, and they are very sensitive.

She should always be interested in the food aspect, as she always wants diversity in food, although she prefers more meat. Heavily, his hair is combed, and his teeth are washed whenever possible.

Cats are very passionate animals of freedom. They hate locking up in a closed space, and they love those vast places, where they can move freely.

Interesting Facts About Cats

We would like to give you some facts about cats, such as:

    1. Cats have good control over their outer ear, because there are about 32 muscles in them.
    2. Cats cannot tell the taste of sweet things because they lack tasting nipples and prefer meat over anything else.
    3. Cats have beautiful, round eyes, and perhaps the strangest thing is that cats have three eyelids.
    4. When cats reach puberty, they lose their ability to digest lactose, so when cats reach their milk, all their derivatives are completely blocked.
    5. Cats are characterized by multiple voices, which can exceed one hundred tones, unlike dogs that have only ten tones only.
    6. Cats are middle-aged animals, but sometimes they can be as young as 35.
    7. Cats always hang their fur by the tongue, doing a thorough clean-up of themselves, and at the same time getting vitamin C.
    8. Cats can see at night, up to six times as much as humans.
    9. China is one of the most famous countries that feed on cat meat.
    10. Cats can jump from the highest places and are able to run very quickly, helped by the flexibility of their body.
    11. Cats are characterized by a sharp level of intelligence, and they can identify the mood of the owner, they have a great ability to know the tone of the voice of the owner, whether joy or sadness.
    12. Cats have a very strong sense of hearing, where they hear high-frequency sounds.
    13. Cats hate acid smell, like orange and lemon.
    14. The cat breathes at a rate of 20-40 times per minute, and its heart beats about 195 beats per minute.
    15. The cat’s teeth number thirty, and the cat replaces the teeth with strong teeth and permanent.


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